bcheck, the complementary solution to Index+
Make your boiler smart
A boiler management solution based on energy efficiency and predictive maintenance.
A solution through innovation
With its IoT module, bcheck offers an innovative, simple and affordable solution to limit malfunctions of your HVAC equipment by allowing for the smart maintenance of the equipment and by contributing to energy performance.
✚ Up to 30% energy savings thanks to continuous monitoring and the identification of anomalies in functioning, detected by bcheck’s algorithms or alerts.
✚ Optimization of maintenance operations and necessary repairs, to limit emergency interventions of technical services.
✚ Improvement of the life cycle of boilers by continuous monitoring.
✚ Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions caused by overconsumption.
How does bcheck work?
bcheck is made up of a small box and 5 probes which can be installed easily onto your boiler thanks to a plug and play system. It thus makes it possible to quickly control the performance and efficiency of any type of boiler, whatever the make or model.
✚ Installation on the casing of your boiler
✚ Continuous reading of the behavior of your boiler
✚ Sending of an alert when there is abnormal activity